Creating New Staff Profiles

Staff profiles are for sellers that employ a staff that may need to create their own individual profiles to manage one seller account. A seller can create staff members for their account in their seller dashboard.

1.  Select My account on the left menu, and then click Staff members list from the drop-down list.

2. Click the Add staff member button.

3. Enter your staff member’s email address in the blank email field that appears.

4. Choose whether the staff member receives full access or limited access by choosing YES or NO under the Full access column. Hot Sauce Depot recommends granting your staff limited access.

  • Full access means that the staff member receives exactly the same access permissions as the seller. The staff member would be able to see and edit all data in the seller account, including financial information. (see full access staff member screenshot below)
  • Limited access means that the staff member can access your products, shipping settings, orders and commissions, but they will not have access to seller personal details, editing staff, and financial info. (see limited access staff member screen shot below)

If you still have questions, feel free to contact us at

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