Managing Your Product Catalog

You can add and manage your products using the Products section. Once you’ve logged into your account and are in your seller dashboard, click Catalog on the left menu to reveal a drop-down.


1. To add a new product, select Catalog on the left menu, and then click Products from the drop-down menu.

2. Click the Add product button.

3. Then enter as much information about the product that you can.

  • Product name: The name by which you and your customers will identify this product.
  • SKU: A code that serves as a unique identifier for this product. This is NOT the same thing as a UPC or bar code number. If you leave this field blank, a SKU will be generated automatically when the product is saved.
  • Images: You can upload multiple images for your product. We recommend using compressed jpg or png files. High-resolution images are not recommended because they are large file sizes, and that can make your product page take too long to load.
  • Category: The category (or categories) that best suits your product.
  • Description: A short description of the product that is displayed on product list pages. Should not be more than 1 – 2 sentences or bullet points.
  • Full description: A longer product description that is displayed on the product details page.
  • Tags: Keywords that would make it easier for a customer to find your product when searching the web site.
  • Memberships: This determines the visibility of your product. If you would like all customers to see your product, leave it blank. If you would only like wholesale customers to see your product, select Wholesaler.
  • Tax class: More info coming soon.
  • Price: The retail price of your product. Note that the price to wholesale customers is entered on a different tab.
  • Market price: The MSRP, if it is higher than the price. Otherwise, leave blank.
  • Arrival date: If the item is available for pre-order, enter a date here.
  • Inventory tracking: Select YES if you want to track inventory for this product, and then enter the quantity you have in stock in the appropriate field. Select NO if you don’t need to track inventory.
  • Weight: Enter the shipping weight for this product. We recommend entering the actual shipping weight, which includes the box weight, rather that the individual product weight to ensure that your shipping rates will be as accurate as possible.
  • Open Graph meta tags: This is the description that appears along with a link to your product page if someone shares this product on social media. Autogenerated means that it will fill in a description automatically based on your product’s description. If you change it to Custom, you can write your own custom description here.
  • Meta description: This is the short description that appears in search engines when your product appears in the search results. It can be autogenerated based on the product description, or you can write your own custom meta description. We recommend writing your own custom meta description that is fewer than 160 characters.
  • Meta keywords: Similar to Tags (above), these are keywords that make it easier for a customer to find your product when searching. We recommend leaving this field blank and only using the Tags field (above).
  • Product page title: The title of the web page for the product.
  • Clean URL: A simple, SEO-friendly web address that will serve as this product’s URL in the marketplace.

4. Click the Add product button at the bottom of the page. It is very important for you to click the button before selecting a different tab, or your progress will not be saved.

5. Products from new sellers must be approved by Hot Sauce Depot before they appear live in your store. Once a seller has received status of “Trusted Seller,” new products no longer have to go through the approval process. Sellers can track a new product’s publication status at any time, which is either “sent for approval,” “approved,” or “declined.”

Once you have added products, you can view them as a list in the Products section by selecting Catalog on the left menu, and then click Products from the drop-down. From here, you can edit your products’ details, remove products, and temporarily disable products.

If you still have questions, feel free to contact us at

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